EN 13431:2004
Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable in the form of energy recovery, including specification of minimum inferior calorific value
Status: | Harmonized |
Poznámka: |
Full text EAD: | |
Sector of EN 13431:2004: | PPW | Packaging and packaging waste |
Sphere of EN 13431:2004: | Other selected |
Publications in the Official Journal: |
(EU)2023/1060 (hEN 1. 6. 2023) to the Directive of EP and of Council No (EU)2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment 2005/C/44/13 |
Notified bodies (NANDO): | Notified bodies for Directive EP and Council (EC) 94/62/EC |
ES/EU regulation | ČR regulation | SR regulation |
zákon č. 477/2001 Sb.
consolidated text / Directive 94/62/EC will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2025/40 from 12. 8. 2026, exception viz Article 70 |
zákon č. 79/2015 Z.z.
consolidated text annuls the Article I of 119/2010 Coll. / amendmen by 335/2024 Z.z. applicable from 1. 1. 2025 / amendment by 430/2021 Z.z. viz Article III / Directive 94/62/EC will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2025/40 from 12. 8. 2026, exception viz Article 70 |
Directive EP and Council (EC) 94/62/EC
consolidated text // Directive 94/62/EC will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2025/40 from 12. 8. 2026, exception viz Article 70 |
ČSN EN 13431:2005 |
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