EN ISO 15085:2003
Small craft - Man-overboard prevention and recovery (ISO 15085:2003)
Status: | Harmonized |
Poznámka: |
Full text EAD: | |
Sector of EN ISO 15085:2003: | RCD | Recreational craft and personal watercraft RCD | Recreational craft and personal watercraft (NLF) |
Sphere of EN ISO 15085:2003: | Regulation No. 90/2016 - harmonized sphere (NLF) |
Publications in the Official Journal: |
(EU)2022/1954 (hEN 17.10.2022) (EU)2019/919 (hEN 5. 6. 2019) as amended by: |
Notified bodies (NANDO): | Notified bodies for Directive 2013/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council |
ES/EU regulation | ČR regulation | SR regulation |
Directive EP and Council 94/25/EC repealed by Directive 2013/53/EU as amended by corrigendum, applicable together till 18. 1. 2017 | ||
nařízení vlády č. 174/2005 Sb. repealed and replaced 15. 4. 2016 by government degree no. 96/2016, Coll., till 18. 1. 2017 can be used both Government Regulations | ||
nariadenie vlády č. 417/2004 Z.z. (consolidated text) | ||
nariadenie vlády 77/2016 Z.z.
actual text
/ 26. 1. 2016 replaces Government Regulation no. 417/2004 Z.z., to 18.1. 2017 could be used both regulations |
96/2016 Sb.
effectiveness 15. 4. 2016, replaces 174/2005 Coll., until 18 January 2017 could be used both regulations |
Directive 2013/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
actual text
/ applicable from 18 January 2016, the Directive 94/25/EC will remain applicable until 18 January 2017, until 18 January 2017 could be used both regulations / Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2017/1 |
Released: | April, 2010 |
Changes EN ISO 15085:2003
A1:2009 |
(EU)2022/1954 (hEN 17.10.2022) (EU)2019/919 (hEN 5. 6. 2019) as amended by: |
A2:2018 |
(EU)2022/1954 (hEN 17.10.2022) (EU)2019/919 (hEN 5. 6. 2019) as amended by: |
ČSN EN ISO 15085:2004 | Note to ČSN EN ISO 15085:2004: Nahrazena ČSN EN ISO 15085 (328660) z února 2025 | ||
Změna A2-7.18 | |||
Změna A1-12.09 |
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