EN 12385-9:2002
Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 9: Locked coil carrying ropes for cableway installations designed to carry persons
Status: | Harmonized |
Poznámka: |
Full text EAD: | |
Sector of EN 12385-9:2002: | CAB | Cableway installations CAB | Cableway installations (NLF) |
Sphere of EN 12385-9:2002: | Regulation No. 90/2016 - harmonized sphere (NLF) |
Publications in the Official Journal: |
(EU)2024/354 (hEN 23. 1. 2024) replaces (viz Article 2 and Article 3): 2018/C/114/4 (EU)2019/1923 (hEN 19. 11. 2019) Summary list hEN for information purposes only (23. 1. 2024) |
Notified bodies (NANDO): | Notified bodies for Directive EP and Council 2000/9/EC Notified bodies for Regulation (EU)2016/424 |
ES/EU regulation | ČR regulation | SR regulation |
Directive EP and Council 2000/9/EC
will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2016/424 from 21th April 2018 / „Guidance document“ |
nařízení vlády č. 70/2002 Sb. repealed by government degree no. 63/2018 Sb. from 21th April 2018 | ||
nariadenie vlády SR č. 183/2002 Z.z.
(consolidated text)
Regulation (EU)2016/424
applicable from 21 April 2018, cancels and replaces the Directive 2000/9/EC |
Regulation (EU)2016/424
1) applicable from 21 April 2018, cancels and replaces the Directive 2000/9/EC |
Regulation (EU)2016/424
applicable from 21 April 2018, cancels and replaces the Directive 2000/9/EC
/ amendment of Regulation (EU)2016/424 (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026 with derogation article 43c |
Released: | April, 2003 |
ČSN EN 12385-9:2004 |
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