EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017
Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above
Status: | Harmonized EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 replaces EN 13674-1:2011 (Canceled) |
Poznámka: |
Full text EAD: | |
Sector of EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017: | IRS | Interoperability of the rail system within EU |
Sphere of EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017: | Interoperability of the rail system within EU |
Publications in the Official Journal: | EU) 2023/2584 (hEN 21.11.2023) |
ES/EU regulation | ČR regulation | SR regulation |
Sirective of the EP and Council (EU)2016/797
consolidated text without amendment
/ amendment (EU)2024/1689 applicable from 2. 8. 2026 / Directive 2008/57/EC is repealed by Directive (EU)2016/797 with effect from 31 October 2020) / Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2020/424 / Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2019/776 text without amendment (EU)2023/1695 / Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2018/545 (consolidated text) / Commission Implementing Decision (EU)2018/1614 / Commission Decision (EU)2017/1474 |
zákon č. 513/2009 Z.z. | ||
Zákon č. 266/1994 Sb.
Amendment by Act No 426/2021 Coll. (technical transposition of Directive No (EU)2016/797), for the effectiveness see Article V / notification should be according to Act No 90/2016 Coll. / amendment by Act No 236/2024 Coll. applicable from 7. 8. 2024, exceptions viz article V |
Co-existence period end date: | |
Released: | December, 2023 |
ČSN EN 13674-1 + A1:2018 | replaces | ČSN EN 13674-1:2011 - Canceled |
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