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Sector of: Rail system: interoperability (placed on the market to 31. 10. 2020)

Sphere of: Regulation No. 22/1997 Sb. - harmonized sphere

Abbreviation: IRS
Publications in the Official Journal: (EU)2020/453 (hEN 30. 3. 2020)
Notified bodies (NANDO): Notified bodies for Directive EP and Council 2008/57/EC
ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
Directive EP and Council 2008/57/EC
consolidated text
/ repealed by Directive (EU)2016/797  (text without amendment by Regalution EP and Council (EU)2024/1689) from 31th October 2020
/ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2018/545 (consolidated text)
/ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2020/424
/ Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2019/250 consolidated text
/ Commission Decision (EU)2018/1614
/ other related regulations:
Decision Commission (EU)2017/1474; Regulation (EC) 1299/2014 (actual text) ; Decision Commission 2009/965/EC; Decision Commission 2010/713/EU; Decision Commission 2011/155/EU; Regulation (EC) 1304/2014 aktual text - derogation (EU)2022/1319); Decision Commission 2012/757/EU (consolidated text) no valid from 16. 6. 2024, canceled by Regulation (EU)2019/773 (actual text);  Regulation (EC) 454/2011; Regulation (EU) 1301/2014 actual text; Regulation (EU) 1302/2014 (consolidated text -  derogation: (EU)2022/856(EU)2022/1319, (EU)2023/2697); Recommendation Commission 2014/897/EU; Recommendation Commission 2014/881/EU; Decision 2014/880/EU repealed by Regulation (EU)2019/777  actual text; Regulation (EC) 1300/2014 consolidated text  - derogation (EU)2022/1319, (EU)2024/909); Regulation (EC) 1303/2014 text with amendment (EU)2024/191, derogation: (EU)2022/856(EU)2022/2277; Regulation (EC) (EU)1305/2014 consolidated text; Regulation (EU)2016/919  (consolidated text -  derogation: (EU)2022/1349 (withdrawn), (EU(2023/319(EU)2023/417,(withdrawn), (EU)2023/696 (withdrawn),  (EU)2024/378) repealed by Regulation (EU)2023/1695, derogation (EU)2024/255, (EU)2024/853, (EU)2024/1212, (EU)2024/1335; Regulation (EC) 402/2013; Regulation (EU)321/2013 consolidated text; (EU)2020/387;  Directive (EU)2016/798 consolidated text; (EU)2020/1530; Recommendation Commission (EU)2019/780; Commission Implementing Decision 2011/665/EU
consolidated text; Commission Implementing Decision (EU)2023/417 (only the Dutch and German texts are authentic) (withdrawn)

nařízení vlády č. 133/2005 Sb.
consolidated text
repealed by No  426/2021 Sb. from 1th February 2022
vyhláška č. 352/2004 Sb. consolidated text
zákon č. 513/2009 Z.z.
consolidated text
/ amendment by Law No 307/2024 Z. z applicable from 1. 1. 2025

Sector (abbr.) hEN:
Status:   Regulation:
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