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Sector of: Personal protective equipment (NLF)

Sphere of: Regulation No. 90/2016 - harmonized sphere (NLF)

Abbreviation: PPE
Publications in the Official Journal: (EU) 2023/941 (hEN 11. 5. 2023)
(EU)2025/286 (hEN 14. 2. 2025)
(EU)2024/2599 (hEN 8. 10. 2024) with Corrigendum 2024/90712 (8. 11. 2024)
(EU)2023/2752 (hEN 11. 12. 2023)
/ consolidated text pdf format (EU)2023/941 without  Amendment (EU)2025/286
Summary list hEN for information purposes only (8. 10. 2024)

// repealed Commission communication 2018/C/209/3 a Implementing Decision (EU)2020/668 viz article 2 and article 3

2018/C/209/3 without corrigendum No 2018/C/222/14 (published 26. 6. 2018)
(EU)2020/668 (hEN 19. 5. 2020) with amendment
(EU)2022/2414 (hEN 9. 12. 2022)
(EU)2022/1914 (hEN 7. 10. 2022),
(EU)2021/395 (hEN 5. 3. 2021),
(EU)2021/1201 (hEN 21. 7. 2021)
/ consolidated text (EU)2020/668

Notified bodies (NANDO): Notified bodies for Regulation (EU) 2016/425
ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
Regulation (EU) 2016/425

applicable from 21 April 2018, the Directive 89/686/EEC can be used until 20 April 2019.
/ amendment of Regulation (EU)2016/425 (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026 with derogation 43c.

/ Recommendations (EU)2021/1433 will gradually expire Recommendations (EU)2020/403
/ Recommendations (EU)2020/403 without Corrigendum
/ Guidance document on PPE transition from 89/686/EEC to (EU)2016/425
/ Guidance document on the implementation of Article 47 on transitional provisions
Regulation (EU) 2016/425
applicable from 21 April 2018, the Directive 89/686/EEC can be used until 20 April 2019.
/ amendment of Regulation (EU)2016/425 (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026 with derogation 43c.
/ Recommendations (EU)2021/1433 will gradually expire Recommendations (EU)2020/403
/ Recommendations (EU)2020/403 without Corrigendum
/ Guidance document on PPE transition from 89/686/EEC to (EU)2016/425
/ Guidance document on the implementation of Article 47 on transitional provisions
Regulation (EU) 2016/425
applicable from 21 April 2018, the Directive 89/686/EEC can be used until 20 April 2019.
/ amendment of Regulation (EU)2016/425 (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026 with derogation 43c.
/ Recommendations (EU)2021/1433 will gradually expire Recommendations (EU)2020/403
/ Recommendations (EU)2020/403 without Corrigendum
/ Guidance document on PPE transition from 89/686/EEC to (EU)2016/425
/ Guidance document on the implementation of Article 47 on transitional provisions
Sector (abbr.) hEN:
Status:   Regulation:
Name/code Advanced search
Standard code ČSN Description Applicability date Date of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard Publications in the Official Journal Regulations
EN 136:1998 replaces EN 136:1989Canceled EN 136-10:1992Canceled ČSN EN 136:1998Oprava 1 - 10.00Oprava 2-7.19 Respiratory protective devices - Full face masks - Requirements, testing, marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.07.1998 (PPE-old) 31.07.1998 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 137:2006 replaces EN 137:1993Canceled ČSN EN 137:2007 Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask - Requirements, testing, marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 23.11.2007 (PPE-old) 23.11.2007 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 140:1998 replaces EN 140:1989Canceled ČSN EN 140:1999Oprava 1 - 10.00 Respiratory protective devices - Half masks and quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.03.1999 (PPE-old) 31.03.1999 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 142:2002 replaces EN 142:1989Canceled ČSN EN 142:2002 Respiratory protective devices - Mouthpiece assemblies - Requirements, testing, marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 10.04.2003 (PPE-old) 10.04.2003 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 143:2021 replaces EN 143:2000Canceled ČSN EN 143:2022 replaces ČSN EN 143:2001Změna A1-12.06Canceled Respiratory protective devices - Particle filters - Requirements, testing, marking 09.12.2020 (PPE) 09.06.2024 (PPE) OJ-PPE (EU)2016/425
EN 144-1:2000 replaces EN 144-1:1991Canceled ČSN EN 144-1:2001Změna A1-11.03,Změna A2-1.06(Canceled (still harmonized)) Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 1: Thread connections for insert connector 21.04.2018 (PPE) 24.01.2001 (PPE-old) 24.01.2001 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 144-2:1998 ČSN EN 144-2:1999(Canceled (still harmonized)) Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 2: Outlet connections 21.04.2018 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 144-3:2003 ČSN EN 144-3:2003 Respiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 3: Outlet connections for diving gases Nitrox and oxygen 21.04.2018 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 145:1997 replaces EN 145:1988Canceled EN 145-2:1992Canceled ČSN EN 145:1998Změna A1 - 4.01 Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen type - Requirements, testing, marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 28.02.1998 (PPE-old) 28.02.1998 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 148-1:1999 replaces EN 148-1:1987Canceled ČSN EN 148-1:2000(Canceled (still harmonized)) Respiratory protective devices - Threads for facepieces - Part 1: Standard thread connection 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.08.1999 (PPE-old) 31.08.1999 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 148-2:1999 replaces EN 148-2:1987Canceled ČSN EN 148-2:2000 Respiratory protective devices - Threads for facepieces - Part 2: Centre thread connection 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.08.1999 (PPE-old) 31.08.1999 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 148-3:1999 replaces EN 148-3:1992Canceled ČSN EN 148-3:2000 Respiratory protective devices - Threads for facepieces - Part 3: Tread connection M 45 x 3 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.08.1999 (PPE-old) 31.08.1999 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 149:2001+A1:2009 replaces EN 149:2001Canceled ČSN EN 149+A1:2009Oprava 1-8.18 Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles - Requirements, testing, marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 06.05.2010 (PPE-old) 06.05.2010 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 207:2017 replaces EN 207:2009

ČSN EN 207:2017 replaces ČSN EN 207:2010Oprava 1-6.12Canceled Personal eye-protection equipment - Filters and eye-protectors against laser radiation (laser eye-protectors) 21.04.2018 (PPE) 30.10.2017 (PPE-old) 30.10.2017 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 208:2009 replaces EN 208:1998Canceled ČSN EN 208:2010 Personal eye-protection - Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser adjustment eye-protectors) 21.04.2018 (PPE) 30.06.2010 (PPE-old) 30.06.2010 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 250:2014 replaces EN 250:2000Canceled ČSN EN 250:2014 replaces ČSN EN 250:2000Změna A1-1.07Canceled Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit self-contained compressed air diving apparatus - Requirements, testing and marking 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.12.2014 (PPE-old) 31.12.2014 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 342:2017 replaces EN 342:2004Canceled ČSN EN 342:2018 replaces ČSN EN 342:2004Oprava 1-6.08Canceled Protective clothing - Ensembles and garments for protection against cold 21.04.2018 (PPE) 31.05.2018 (PPE-old) 31.05.2018 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 343:2019 replaces EN 343:2003+A1:2007Canceled ČSN EN 343:2020 replaces ČSN EN 343+A1:2008Oprava 1-3.10Canceled Protective clothing - Protection against rain 19.05.2020 (PPE) 19.11.2021 (PPE) OJ-PPE (EU)2016/425
EN 352-1:2020 replaces EN 352-1:2002Canceled ČSN EN 352-1 ed. 2:2021 replaces ČSN EN 352-1:2003Změ›na Z1-6.21Canceled Hearing protectors - General requirements - Part 1: Earmuffs 21.07.2021 (PPE) 21.07.2024 (PPE) OJ-PPE (EU)2016/425
EN 352-2:2020 replaces EN 352-2:2002Canceled ČSN EN 352-2 ed. 2:2021 replaces ČSN EN 352-2:2003Změna Z1-6.21Canceled Hearing protectors - General requirements - Part 2: Earplugs 21.07.2021 (PPE) 21.07.2024 (PPE) OJ-PPE (EU)2016/425
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