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Your location: Harmonized standards database»Harmonized standards and EADs - construction products»Harmonized standards database under the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 - CPR
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Standard code ČSN Description Applicability date Co-existence period end date všechny subjekty (OS/NB) oznámené v NANDO k dané normě Assessments systems Groups (CPR)
EN 1:1998 ČSN EN 1:1999Změna A1-12.07 Flued oil stoves with vaporizing burners 01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.01.2009 (CPR 1) OS/NB 3 27
A1:2007     01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.01.2009 (CPR 1)      
EN 40-4:2005 ČSN EN 40-4:2006Oprava 1-1.07 Lighting columns - Part 4: Requirements for reinforced and prestressed concrete lighting columns 01.10.2006 (CPR 1) 01.10.2007 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 12
AC:2006     01.01.2007 (CPR 1) 01.01.2007 (CPR 1)      
EN 40-5:2002 ČSN EN 40-5:2002 Lighting columns - Part 5: Requirements for steel lighting columns 01.02.2003 (CPR 1) 01.02.2005 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 12
EN 40-6:2002 ČSN EN 40-6:2002 Lighting columns - Part 6: Requirements for aluminium lighting columns 01.02.2003 (CPR 1) 01.02.2005 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 12
EN 40-7:2002 ČSN EN 40-7:2003 Lighting columns - Part 7: Requirements for fibre reinforced polymer composite lighting columns 01.10.2003 (CPR 1) 01.10.2004 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 12
EN 54-2:1997 ČSN EN 54-2:1999Změna A1-5.07 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 2: Control and indicating equipment 01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.08.2009 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
AC:1999     01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.01.2008 (CPR 1)      
A1:2006     01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.08.2009 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-3:2001 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 54-3:2014Non harmonized ČSN EN 54-3:2002Změna A1-6.03Změna A2-1.07Změna Z1-12.14(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 54-3 ed.2:2017Non harmonized Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Sounders 01.04.2003 (CPR 1) 01.06.2009 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
A1:2002     01.04.2003 (CPR 1) 30.06.2005 (CPR 1)      
A2:2006     01.03.2007 (CPR 1) 01.06.2009 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-4:1997 ČSN EN 54-4:1999Změna A1-9.03Změna A2-3.07 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 4: Power supply equipment 01.10.2003 (CPR 1) 01.08.2009 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
AC:1999     01.06.2005 (CPR 1) 01.06.2005 (CPR 1)      
A1:2002     01.10.2003 (CPR 1) 01.08.2009 (CPR 1)      
A2:2006     01.06.2007 (CPR 1) 01.08.2009 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-5:2017+A1:2018 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 54-5:2000Canceled EN 54-5+A1:2021Non harmonized ČSN EN 54-5+A1:2021(Non harmonized) replaces ČSN EN 54-5+A1:2019 Canceled (still harmonized) ČSN EN 54-5:2001Změna Z1-4.17Změna A1-6.03Canceled Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 5: Heat detectors - Point heat detectors 20.03.2019 (CPR 1) 31.08.2022 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
EN 54-7:2018 replaces EN 54-7:2000Canceled ČSN EN 54-7 ed. 2:2022 replaces ČSN EN 54-7:2001Změna Z2-3.22Změna A1-6.03Změna A2-12.06Canceled Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 7: Smoke detectors - Point smoke detectors that operate using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization 20.03.2019 (CPR 1) 31.08.2022 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
EN 54-10:2002 ČSN EN 54-10:2002Změna A1-5.06 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 10: Flame detectors - Point detectors 01.09.2006 (CPR 1) 01.09.2008 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
A1:2005     01.09.2006 (CPR 1) 01.09.2008 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-11:2001 ČSN EN 54-11:2002Změna A1-5.06 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call points 01.09.2006 (CPR 1) 01.09.2008 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
A1:2005     01.09.2006 (CPR 1) 01.09.2008 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-12:2015 replaces EN 54-12:2002Canceled ČSN EN 54-12 ed. 2:2017 replaces ČSN EN 54-12:2003Změna Z1-9.15 zrušenaZměna Z2-6.17Canceled Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 12: Smoke detectors - Line detectors using an optical beam 08.04.2016 (CPR 1) 08.04.2019 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
EN 54-16:2008 ČSN EN 54-16:2008 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 16: Voice alarm control and indicating equipment 01.01.2009 (CPR 1) 01.04.2011 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
EN 54-17:2005 ČSN EN 54-17:2006 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 17: Short-circuit isolators 01.10.2006 (CPR 1) 01.12.2008 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
AC:2007     01.01.2009 (CPR 1) 01.01.2009 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-18:2005 ČSN EN 54-18:2006Oprava 1-9.07 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 18: Input/ouput devices 01.10.2006 (CPR 1) 01.12.2008 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
AC:2007     01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.01.2008 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-20:2006 ČSN EN 54-20:2007Oprava 1-2.09 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors 01.04.2007 (CPR 1) 01.07.2009 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
AC:2008     01.08.2009 (CPR 1) 01.08.2009 (CPR 1)      
EN 54-21:2006 ČSN EN 54-21:2007 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 21: Alarm transmission and fault warning routing equipment 01.03.2007 (CPR 1) 01.06.2009 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
EN 54-23:2010 ČSN EN 54-23:2010 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 23: Fire alarm devices - Visual alarm devices 01.12.2010 (CPR 1) 31.12.2013 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
EN 54-24:2008 ČSN EN 54-24:2008 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 24: Components of voice alarm systems - Loudspeakers Loudspeakers 01.01.2009 (CPR 1) 01.04.2011 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 10
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