Information system Product regulation

Updates | Období : 01.10.2016 - 31.10.2016

Standard code ČSN Description Applicability date Date of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard Publications in the Official Journal Regulations
EN ISO 14122-1:2016 replaces EN ISO 14122-1:2001Canceled ČSN EN ISO 14122-1:2017 replaces ČSN EN ISO 14122-1:2002Změna A1-10.10Canceled Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 1: Choice of fixed means and general requirements of access (ISO 14122-1:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.12.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 14122-2:2016 replaces EN ISO 14122-2:2001Canceled ČSN EN ISO 14122-2:2017 replaces ČSN EN ISO 14122-2:2002Změna A1-10.10Canceled Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 2: Working platforms and walkways (ISO 14122-2:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.12.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 14122-3:2016 replaces EN ISO 14122-3:2001Canceled ČSN EN ISO 14122-3:2017Změna Z1-2.18 replaces ČSN EN ISO 14122-3:2002Změna A1-10.10Canceled Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails (ISO 14122-3:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.12.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 14122-4:2016 replaces EN ISO 14122-4:2004Canceled ČSN EN ISO 14122-4:2017 replaces ČSN EN ISO 14122-4:2005Změna A1-10.10Canceled Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 4: Fixed ladders (ISO 14122-4:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.12.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 19353:2016 Canceled is replaced EN 13478:2001+A1:2008Canceled EN ISO 19353:2019 ČSN EN ISO 19353:2017(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN 13478+A1:2008Canceled ČSN EN ISO 19353:2019 Safety of machinery - Fire prevention and fire protection (ISO 19353:2015) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.07.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 4254-14:2016 ČSN EN ISO 4254-14:2016 Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 14: Bale wrappers (ISO 4254-14:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 8528-13:2016 replaces EN 12601:2010Canceled ČSN EN ISO 8528-13:2019Oprava 1-6.23 replaces ČSN EN 12601:2011Oprava 1-8.12Canceled Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 13: Safety (ISO 8528-13:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) 30.06.2017 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 11145:2016 replaces EN ISO 11145:2008Canceled ČSN EN ISO 11145:2016(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN ISO 11145:2009Canceled Optics and photonics - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Vocabulary and symbols (ISO 11145:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) 30.09.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 11850:2011 replaces EN 14861:2004+A1:2009Canceled ČSN EN ISO 11850:2012Změna A2-11.22Změna A1-7.16 Machinery for forestry - General safety requirements (ISO 11850:2011) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.08.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
A2:2022     02.08.2023 (MD)    
EN 14973:2015 replaces EN 14973:2006+A1:2008Canceled ČSN EN 14973:2016 replaces ČSN EN 14973+A1:2008Canceled Dopravní pásy pro použití v podzemních instalacích - Požadavky na elektrickou a požární bezpečnost 13.05.2016 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) 31.05.2016 (MD) 31.05.2016 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 16743:2016 ČSN EN 16743:2016 Food processing machinery - Automatic industrial slicing machines - Safety and hygiene requirements 09.09.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN 16774:2016 ČSN EN 16774:2018 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for steel converter and associated equipment 09.09.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 17916:2016 ČSN EN ISO 17916:2016 Safety of thermal cutting machines (ISO 17916:2016) 09.09.2016 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 20361:2015 Canceled is replaced EN ISO 20361:2019EN ISO 20361:2009Canceled ČSN EN ISO 20361:2015(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN ISO 20361:2009Oprava 1-2.11Canceled ČSN EN ISO 20361:2020Změna A1-10.20 Liquid pumps and pump units - Noise test code - Grades 2 and 3 of accuracy (ISO 20361:2015) 09.09.2016 (MD) 31.12.2015 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
EN 60335-2-37:2002 ČSN EN 60335-2-37 ed. 3:2003Změna A12-8.16Oprava 1-4.08Změna A1-12.08Změna A11-11.12 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -- Part 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers 08.07.2016 (LVD) 09.09.2016 (MD) 25.01.2019 (MD) OJ-LVD , OJ-MD 148/2016 Z.z. 2014/35/EU 118/2016 Sb. 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
A11:2012     13.02.2015 (MD) 13.02.2015 (LVD)    
IEC 60335-2-37:2002/A1:2008
EN 60335-2-89:2010 Canceled is replaced EN IEC 60335-2-89:2022 ČSN EN 60335-2-89 ed. 2:2010Změna Z1-1.23Změna A1-6.16Změna A2-12.17(Harmonization cancelled) replaces ČSN EN IEC 60335-2-89 ed. 3:2023Změna A11-1.23Oprava 1-4.24Concurrent Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-89: Particular requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances with an incorporated or remote refrigerant condensing unit or compressor 09.03.2018 (MD) 03.07.2020 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
A1:2016     02.08.2023 (MD)    
A2:2017     02.08.2023 (MD)    
EN 62841-2-11:2016 replaces EN 60745-2-11:2010Canceled ČSN EN 62841-2-11:2016Změna A11-1.25Změna A1-10.20 replaces ČSN EN 60745-2-11 ed. 2:2010Změna Z1-8.16Canceled Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for hand-held reciprocating saws 09.09.2016 (MD) 23.12.2019 (MD) OJ-MD 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z.
A1:2020     03.03.2021 (MD) 03.09.2022 (MD)    
EN 568:2015 replaces EN 568:2007Canceled ČSN EN 568:2016 replaces ČSN EN 568:2008Canceled Mountaineering equipment - Ice anchors - Safety requirements and test methods 21.04.2018 (PPE) 09.09.2016 (PPE-old) 09.09.2016 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 943-1:2015 Canceled is replaced EN 943-1:2002Canceled EN 943-1:2015+A1:2019 ČSN EN 943-1:2017(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN 943-1:2003Canceled ČSN EN 943-1+A1:2019 Protective clothing against dangerous solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid and solid aerosols - Part 1: Performance requirements for Type 1 (gas-tight) chemical protective suits 21.04.2018 (PPE) 09.09.2016 (PPE-old) 09.09.2016 (PPE) OJ-PPE-old , OJ-PPE 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z. (EU)2016/425
EN 1755:2015 ČSN EN 1755:2016(Canceled (still harmonized)) Manipulační vozíky - Bezpečnostní požadavky a ověřování - Dodatečné požadavky pro provoz v prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1809:2014+A1:2016 replaces EN 1809:2014Canceled ČSN EN 1809 + A1:2016 replaces ČSN EN 1809:2014Canceled Diving equipment - Buoyancy compensators - Functional and safety requirements, test methods 30.09.2016 (PPE-old) OJ-PPE-old 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z.
EN ISO 11592-1:2016 replaces EN ISO 11592:2001Canceled ČSN EN ISO 11592-1:2016 replaces ČSN EN ISO 11592:2002Canceled Small craft - Determination of maximum propulsion power rating using manoeuvring speed - Part 1: Craft with a length of hull less than 8 m (ISO 11592-1:2016) 10.06.2016 (RCD) OJ-RCD 77/2016 Z.z. 96/2016 Sb. 2013/53/EU
EN 12050-4:2000 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 12050-4:2015Non harmonized ČSN EN 12050-4:2002Změna Z1-9.15 (zrušena)Změna Z2-10.16(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 12050-4 ed.2:2016Non harmonized Wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites - Principles of construction and testing - Part 4: Non-return valves for faecal-free wastewater and wastewater containing faecal matter 01.10.2001 (CPR 1) 01.10.2002 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN ISO 12127-1:2015 replaces EN 702:1994Canceled ČSN EN ISO 12127-1:2016 replaces ČSN EN 702:1996Canceled Clothing for protection against heat and flame - Determination of contact heat transmission through protective clothing or constituent materials - Part 1: Contact heat produced by heating cylinder (ISO 12127-1:2015) 09.09.2016 (PPE-old) OJ-PPE-old 89/686/EHS 21/2003 Sb. 35/2008 Z.z.
EN 12392:2016 ČSN EN 12392:2016(Canceled (still harmonized)) Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products and cast products - Special requirements for products intended for the production of pressure equipment 12.08.2016 (PED) OJ-PED 2014/68/EU 219/2016 Sb. 1/2016 Z.z.
EN 13063-1:2005+A1:2007 ČSN EN 13063-1+A1:2008Oprava 1-10.16 Chimneys - System chimneys with clay/ceramic flue liners - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for sootfire resistance 01.05.2008 (CPR 1) 01.05.2009 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN 13463-1:2009 Canceled is replaced EN ISO 80079-36:2016 ČSN EN 13463-1:2009Změna Z1-9.16Oprava 1-2.19(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN ISO 80079-36:2016Oprava 1-2.19Oprava 2-4.20 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Basic method and requirements 31.10.2019 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13463-5:2011 Canceled is replaced EN ISO 80079-37:2016 ČSN EN 13463-5 ed. 2:2012Změna Z1-9.16Oprava 1-2.19(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN ISO 80079-37:2016Oprava 1-2.19 Non-electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 5: Protection by constructional safety 'c' 31.10.2019 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13463-6:2005 Canceled is replaced EN ISO 80079-37:2016 ČSN EN 13463-6:2005Změna Z1-9.16Oprava 1-2.19(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN ISO 80079-37:2016Oprava 1-2.19 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Protection by control of ignition source 'b' 31.10.2019 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13463-8:2003 Canceled is replaced EN ISO 80079-37:2016 ČSN EN 13463-8:2005Oprava 1-2.19Změna Z1-9.16(Canceled) is replaced ČSN EN ISO 80079-37:2016Oprava 1-2.19 Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 8: Protection by liquid immersion 'k' 31.10.2019 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13830:2003 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 13830:2015Canceled EN 13830+A1:2020Non harmonized ČSN EN 13830:2004Změna Z2-10.16Změna Z1-10.15 (zrušena)(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 13830 ed. 2:2016Změna Z1: 12.2020Non harmonized ČSN EN 13830+A1:2022Non harmonized Curtain walling - Product standard 01.12.2004 (CPR 1) 01.12.2005 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016 replaces EN 14351-1:2006+A1:2010Canceled ČSN EN 14351-1 + A2:2018 replaces ČSN EN 14351-1+A1:2011Změna Z1-3.17Změna Z2-6.2018Canceled Okna a dveře - Norma výrobku, funkční vlastnosti - Část 1: Okna a vnější dveře 01.11.2016 (CPR 1) 01.11.2019 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN 14516:2006+A1:2010 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 14516+A1:2018Non harmonized ČSN EN 14516+A1:2011Změna Z1-6.16 (zrušena)Změna Z2-10.16(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 14516+A1:2020Non harmonized Baths for domestic purposes 01.05.2011 (CPR 1) 01.05.2012 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN 14528:2007 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 14528+A1:2018Non harmonized ČSN EN 14528:2007Změna Z2-9.16(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 14528:2020Non harmonized Bidets - Functional requirements and test methods 01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.01.2009 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN 14688:2006 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 14688:2015+A1:2018Non harmonized ČSN EN 14688:2007Změna Z2-10.16Změna Z1-3.16 (zrušena)(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 14688+A1:2020Non harmonized Sanitary appliances - Wash basins - Functional requirements and test methods 01.01.2008 (CPR 1) 01.01.2009 (CPR 1) OJ-CPR 1 305/2011
EN ISO 14895:2016 replaces EN ISO 14895:2003Canceled ČSN EN ISO 14895:2016 replaces ČSN EN ISO 14895:2004Canceled Small craft - Liquid-fuelled galley stoves and heating appliances (ISO 14895:2016) 09.09.2016 (RCD) OJ-RCD 77/2016 Z.z. 96/2016 Sb. 2013/53/EU
EN ISO 16315:2016 ČSN EN ISO 16315:2016 Small craft - Electric propulsion system (ISO 16315:2016) 09.09.2016 (RCD) OJ-RCD 77/2016 Z.z. 96/2016 Sb. 2013/53/EU
EN 60754-1:2014 ČSN EN 60754-1:2015Změna A1-8.20 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 1: Determination of the halogen acid gas content 08.07.2016 (LVD) 27.01.2017 (LVD) OJ-LVD 148/2016 Z.z. 2014/35/EU 118/2016 Sb.
EN 60754-2:2014 ČSN EN 60754-2:2015 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity 08.07.2016 (LVD) 27.01.2017 (LVD) OJ-LVD 148/2016 Z.z. 2014/35/EU 118/2016 Sb.
EN 62868:2015 ČSN EN 62868:2016Změna Z1-3.22(Canceled (still harmonized)) Organic light emitting diode (OLED) panels for general lighting - Safety requirements 08.07.2016 (LVD) OJ-LVD 148/2016 Z.z. 2014/35/EU 118/2016 Sb.
EN ISO 80079-36:2016 replaces EN 13463-1:2009Canceled ČSN EN ISO 80079-36:2016Oprava 1-2.19Oprava 2-4.20 replaces ČSN EN 13463-1:2009Změna Z1-9.16Oprava 1-2.19Canceled Explosive atmospheres - Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Basic method and requirements (ISO 80079-36:2016) 12.08.2016 (ATEX) 31.10.2019 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN ISO 80079-37:2016 replaces EN 13463-5:2011Canceled EN 13463-6:2005Canceled EN 13463-8:2003Canceled ČSN EN ISO 80079-37:2016Oprava 1-2.19 replaces ČSN EN 13463-5 ed. 2:2012Změna Z1-9.16Oprava 1-2.19Canceled ČSN EN 13463-6:2005Změna Z1-9.16Oprava 1-2.19Canceled ČSN EN 13463-8:2005Oprava 1-2.19Změna Z1-9.16Canceled Explosive atmospheres - Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Non-electrical type of protection constructional safety ''c'', control of ignition sources ''b'', liquid immersion ''k'' (ISO 80079-37:2016) 12.08.2016 (ATEX) 31.10.2019 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 301 908-12 V7.1.1 ČSN ETSI EN 301908-12 V7.1.1:2016 IMT cellular networks; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU; Part 12: CDMA Multi-Carrier (cdma2000) Repeaters 09.09.2016 (RED) OJ-RED 426/2016 Sb. 2014/53/EU 193/2016 Z.z.
EN 303 372-2 V1.1.1 Canceled is replaced EN 303372-2 V1.2.1 ČSN ETSI EN 303372-2 V1.1.1(Harmonization cancelled) replaces ČSN ETSI EN 303372-2 V1.2.1 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Satellite broadcast reception equipment; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU; Part 2: Indoor unit 09.09.2016 (RED) OJ-RED 426/2016 Sb. 2014/53/EU 193/2016 Z.z.
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