EN 12878:2005
Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on cement and/or lime - Specifications and methods of test
Status: | Canceled (still harmonized) EN 12878:2005 is replaced EN 12878:2014 (Non harmonized) |
Poznámka: |
Full text EAD: | |
Sector of EN 12878:2005: | CPR 1 | Construction products |
Sphere of EN 12878:2005: | Regulation No. 22/1997 Sb. - harmonized sphere |
Publications in the Official Journal: |
2018/C/092/6 (hEN) |
Notified bodies (NANDO): | Notified bodies for Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011 Notified bodies (OS/NB) for EN 12878:2005 |
ES/EU regulation | ČR regulation | SR regulation |
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011
consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769 will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2024/3110 from 8th January 2026, for exemptions see Article 94, for transitional provisions see Article 95 / amendment by Regulation (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026 / supplementing: by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)2024/2769 applicable from 17. 11. 2024
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011
consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769 |
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011
consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769 |
Commission decision | 1999/469/EC |
Mandates | M/128 Změny mandátu: M/137 |
Applicability date: | 01.03.2006 (CPR 1) |
Co-existence period end date: | 01.03.2007 (CPR 1) |
Changes EN 12878:2005
AC:2006 |
2018/C/092/6 (hEN) |
ČSN EN 12878:2005 | is replaced | ČSN EN 12878:2014 - Non harmonized | Note to ČSN EN 12878:2005: (671301) |
Customers who have agreed on their computer from ÚNMZ service CSN on-line-for electronic access to the full texts of standards in pdf (version for companies or individuals) may open directly quoted CSN here.
Assessment systems
Systém 2+ |