EN 13225:2004
Precast concrete products - Linear structural elements
Status: | Canceled EN 13225:2004 is replaced EN 13225:2013 |
Poznámka: |
Full text EAD: | |
Sector of EN 13225:2004: | CPR 1 | Construction products |
Sphere of EN 13225:2004: | Regulation No. 22/1997 Sb. - harmonized sphere |
Publications in the Official Journal: |
2018/C/092/6 (hEN) |
Notified bodies (NANDO): | Notified bodies for Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011 |
ES/EU regulation | ČR regulation | SR regulation |
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011
consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769 will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2024/3110 from 8th January 2026, for exemptions see Article 94, for transitional provisions see Article 95 / amendment by Regulation (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026 / supplementing: by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)2024/2769 applicable from 17. 11. 2024
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011
consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769 |
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011
consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769 |
Commission decision | 1999/94/EC |
Mandates | M/100 Změny mandátu: M/130 , M/126 , M/139 |
Applicability date: | 01.09.2005 (CPR 1) |
Co-existence period end date: | 01.09.2007 (CPR 1) |
Changes EN 13225:2004
AC:2006 |
2018/C/092/6 (hEN) |
ČSN EN 13225:2005 | is replaced | ČSN EN 13225:2013 |
Customers who have agreed on their computer from ÚNMZ service CSN on-line-for electronic access to the full texts of standards in pdf (version for companies or individuals) may open directly quoted CSN here.
The competence of Czech notified bodies
Assessment systems
Systém 2+ |