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EN 13616:2004

Overfill prevention devices for static tanks for liquid petroleum fuels

Status: Canceled EN 13616:2004 is replaced   EN 13616-1:2016
Full text EAD:
Sector of EN 13616:2004: CPR 1 | Construction products ATEX | Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Sphere of EN 13616:2004: Regulation No. 22/1997 Sb. - harmonized sphere Regulation No. 90/2016 - harmonized sphere (NLF)
Publications in the Official Journal:

2018/C/092/6 (hEN)
2018/C/370/5 (EAD) (16. 11. 2018)
(EU)2019/451 (hEN)
Corrigendum xx.yy (EU)2019/451 (10. 12. 2019)
with amendment:
(EU)2023/2461 (hEN 9. 11. 2023)
(EU)2022/2357 (hEN 2. 12. 2022)
/ consolidated text (EU)2019/451 with (EU)2023/2461
SUMMARY LIST hEN for information purposes only (9. 11. 2023)
(EU)2019/450 (EAD 20. 3. 2019) with amendment:
(EU)2024/1944 (EAD 11. 7. 2024)
(EU)2024/237 (EAD 17. 1. 2024)
(EU)2023/1473 (EAD 18. 7. 2023)
(EU)2023/910 (EAD 4. 5. 2023)
(EU)2023/424 (EAD 27. 2. 2023)
(EU)2022/1517 (EAD 12. 9. 2022),
(EU)2022/381 (EAD 7. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1789 (EAD 11. 10. 2021),
(EU)2021/1183 (EAD 19. 7. 2021)
(EU)2020/1574 (EAD 29. 10. 2020),
(EU)2020/962 (EAD 3. 7. 2020),
(EU)2019/896 (EAD 29. 5. 2019)
/ consolidated text (EU)2019/450 without amendment (EU)2024/237

(EU)2022/1668 (hEN 29. 9. 2022)
/ repealed Implementing Decision (EU)2019/1202 and  2018/C/371/1 viz article 2 a article 3
Amendments (EU)2022/1668:
(EU)2023/1587 (hEN 2. 8. 2023)
(EU(2023/601 (hEN 17. 3. 2023)
/ consolidated text (EU)2022/1668

Summary list hEN for information purposes only (3. 8. 2023)


(EU)2019/1202  (hEN 15. 7. 2019)
Amendments (EU)2019/1202:
(EU)2022/784 (hEN 19. 5. 2022)
(EU)2022/406 (hEN 10. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1403 (hEN 26. 8. 2021)
(EU)2020/260 (hEN 26. 2. 2020)
consolidated text (EU)2019/1202
Notified bodies (NANDO): Notified bodies for Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011 Notified bodies for Directive 2014/34/EU of the EP and of the Council Notified bodies (OS/NB) for EN 13616:2004
ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011 consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769
will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2024/3110  from 8th January 2026, for exemptions see Article 94, for transitional provisions see Article 95
/ amendment by Regulation (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026
/ supplementing: by Commission  Delegated Regulation (EU)2024/2769 applicable from 17. 11. 2024


Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011

consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769
will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2024/3110  from 8th January 2026, for exemptions see Article 94, for transitional provisions see Article 95
/ amendment by Regulation (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026
/ directly applicable
/ supplementing: by Commission  Delegated Regulation (EU)2024/2769 applicable from 17. 11. 2024
applied to 100/2013 Coll. (amendment of 22/1997 Coll.)

Regulation EP and Council (EC) 305/2011

consolidated text pdf format with amendment (EU)2024/2769
will be repealed by Regulation (EU)2024/3110  from 8th January 2026, for exemptions see Article 94, for transitional provisions see Article 95
/ amendment by Regulation (EU)2024/2748 applicable from 29. 5. 2026
/ directly applicable
/ supplementing: by Commission  Delegated Regulation (EU)2024/2769 applicable from 17. 11. 2024
applied to 133/2013 Z.z.

nařízení vlády č. 116/2016 Sb. effectiveness 20. 4. 2016, replaces 23/2003 Coll.
Directive 2014/34/EU of the EP and of the Council
/ Agreement No 2017/2118

/ amendment of Directive 2014/34/EU (EU)2024/2749 applicable from 30. 5. 2026
/ Guidelines (ATEX 2014/34/EU)
Directive 94/9/EC is repealed by Directive 2014/34/EU with effect from 20 April 2016.

nariadenie vlády 149/2016 Z.z. actual text
/ effectiveness 20. 4. 2016, replaces 117/2001 Coll.
Commission decision 1999/472/EC 2015/1936
Mandates M/131 Změny mandátu: M/137
Applicability date: 01.05.2005 (CPR 1) 01.05.2005 (ATEX)
Co-existence period end date: 01.05.2006 (CPR 1) 01.05.2006 (ATEX)
Released: March, 2006

Changes EN 13616:2004

AC:2006 (EU)2022/1668 (hEN 29. 9. 2022)
/ repealed Implementing Decision (EU)2019/1202 and  2018/C/371/1 viz article 2 a article 3
Amendments (EU)2022/1668:
(EU)2023/1587 (hEN 2. 8. 2023)
(EU(2023/601 (hEN 17. 3. 2023)
/ consolidated text (EU)2022/1668

Summary list hEN for information purposes only (3. 8. 2023)


(EU)2019/1202  (hEN 15. 7. 2019)
Amendments (EU)2019/1202:
(EU)2022/784 (hEN 19. 5. 2022)
(EU)2022/406 (hEN 10. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1403 (hEN 26. 8. 2021)
(EU)2020/260 (hEN 26. 2. 2020)
consolidated text (EU)2019/1202 ,

2018/C/092/6 (hEN)
2018/C/370/5 (EAD) (16. 11. 2018)
(EU)2019/451 (hEN)
Corrigendum xx.yy (EU)2019/451 (10. 12. 2019)
with amendment:
(EU)2023/2461 (hEN 9. 11. 2023)
(EU)2022/2357 (hEN 2. 12. 2022)
/ consolidated text (EU)2019/451 with (EU)2023/2461
SUMMARY LIST hEN for information purposes only (9. 11. 2023)
(EU)2019/450 (EAD 20. 3. 2019) with amendment:
(EU)2024/1944 (EAD 11. 7. 2024)
(EU)2024/237 (EAD 17. 1. 2024)
(EU)2023/1473 (EAD 18. 7. 2023)
(EU)2023/910 (EAD 4. 5. 2023)
(EU)2023/424 (EAD 27. 2. 2023)
(EU)2022/1517 (EAD 12. 9. 2022),
(EU)2022/381 (EAD 7. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1789 (EAD 11. 10. 2021),
(EU)2021/1183 (EAD 19. 7. 2021)
(EU)2020/1574 (EAD 29. 10. 2020),
(EU)2020/962 (EAD 3. 7. 2020),
(EU)2019/896 (EAD 29. 5. 2019)
/ consolidated text (EU)2019/450 without amendment (EU)2024/237

, 2018/C/371/1
(EU)2019/1202  with amendments:
(EU)2022/784 (hEN 19. 5. 2022)
(EU)2022/406 (hEN 10. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1403 (hEN 26. 8. 2021)
(EU)2020/260 (hEN 26. 2. 2020)
consolidated text (EU)2019/1202  with (EU)2022/784


ČSN EN 13616:2005 is replaced ČSN EN 13616-1:2016
Oprava 1-11.06  

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