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Sector of: Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

Sphere of: Regulation No. 90/2016 - harmonized sphere (NLF)

Abbreviation: ATEX
Publications in the Official Journal: (EU)2022/1668 (hEN 29. 9. 2022)
/ repealed Implementing Decision (EU)2019/1202 and  2018/C/371/1 viz article 2 a article 3
Amendments (EU)2022/1668:
(EU)2023/1587 (hEN 2. 8. 2023)
(EU(2023/601 (hEN 17. 3. 2023)
/ consolidated text (EU)2022/1668

Summary list hEN for information purposes only (3. 8. 2023)


(EU)2019/1202  (hEN 15. 7. 2019)
Amendments (EU)2019/1202:
(EU)2022/784 (hEN 19. 5. 2022)
(EU)2022/406 (hEN 10. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1403 (hEN 26. 8. 2021)
(EU)2020/260 (hEN 26. 2. 2020)
consolidated text (EU)2019/1202
Notified bodies (NANDO): Notified bodies for Directive 2014/34/EU of the EP and of the Council
ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
nařízení vlády č. 116/2016 Sb. effectiveness 20. 4. 2016, replaces 23/2003 Coll.
Directive 2014/34/EU of the EP and of the Council
/ Agreement No 2017/2118

/ amendment of Directive 2014/34/EU (EU)2024/2749 applicable from 30. 5. 2026
/ Guidelines (ATEX 2014/34/EU)
Directive 94/9/EC is repealed by Directive 2014/34/EU with effect from 20 April 2016.

nariadenie vlády 149/2016 Z.z. actual text
/ effectiveness 20. 4. 2016, replaces 117/2001 Coll.
Sector (abbr.) hEN:
Status:   Regulation:
Name/code Advanced search
Standard code ČSN Description Applicability date Date of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard Publications in the Official Journal Regulations
EN 1010-1:2004+A1:2010 ČSN EN 1010-1+A1:2011 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 1: Common requirements 08.04.2011 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1010-2:2006+A1:2010 ČSN EN 1010-2+A1:2010 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 2: Printing and varnishing machines including pre-press machinery 08.04.2011 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1127-1:2019 replaces EN 1127-1:2011Canceled ČSN EN 1127-1 ed. 3:2020 replaces ČSN EN 1127-1 ed. 2:2012Změna Z1-4.20Canceled Výbušná prostředí - Prevence a ochrana proti výbuchu - Část 1: Základní koncepce a metodika 02.04.2020 (MD) 26.02.2020 (ATEX) 02.10.2021 (MD) 01.02.2022 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1127-2:2014 replaces EN 1127-2:2002+A1:2008Canceled ČSN EN 1127-2:2014 replaces ČSN EN 1127-2+A1:2008Canceled Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining 13.02.2015 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) 13.02.2015 (MD) 13.02.2015 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1755:2015 ČSN EN 1755:2016(Canceled (still harmonized)) Manipulační vozíky - Bezpečnostní požadavky a ověřování - Dodatečné požadavky pro provoz v prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1834-1:2000 ČSN EN 1834-1:2001 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Group II engines for use in flammable gas and vapour atmospheres 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1834-2:2000 ČSN EN 1834-2:2001 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Group I engines for use in underground workings susceptible to firedamp and/or combustible dust 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1834-3:2000 ČSN EN 1834-3:2001 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 3: Group II engines for use in flammable dust atmospheres 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1839:2017 replaces EN 14756:2006Canceled EN 1839:2012Canceled ČSN EN 1839 ed. 2:2017 replaces ČSN EN 1839:2013Změna Z1-7.17Canceled ČSN EN 14756:2007Změna Z1-7.17Canceled Determination of the explosion limits and the limiting oxygen concentration(LOC) for flammable gases and vapours 09.06.2017 (ATEX) 11.01.2018 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 1953:2013 replaces EN 1953:1998+A1:2009Canceled ČSN EN 1953:2014 Atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials - Safety requirements 28.11.2013 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) 31.03.2014 (MD) 31.03.2014 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 12581:2005+A1:2010 ČSN EN 12581+A1:2010 Coating plants - Machinery for dip coating and electrodeposition of organic liquid coating material - Safety requirements 20.10.2010 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 12621:2006+A1:2010 ČSN EN 12621+A1:2010 Machinery for the supply and circulation of coating materials under pressure - Safety requirements 20.10.2010 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 12757-1:2005+A1:2010 ČSN EN 12757-1+A1:2010 Mixing machinery for coating materials - Safety requirements - Part 1: Mixing machinery for use in vehicle refinishing 20.10.2010 (MD) 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13012:2021 replaces EN 13012:2012Canceled ČSN EN 13012 ed. 2:2022Změna Z1-3.22 replaces ČSN EN 13012:2017Canceled Petrol filling stations - Construction and performance of automatic nozzles for use on fuel dispensers 10.03.2022 (ATEX) 03.09.2023 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13237:2012 ČSN EN 13237:2013 Potentially explosive atmospheres - Terms and definitions for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres 08.04.2016 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13616-1:2016 replaces EN 13616:2004Canceled ČSN EN 13616-1:2016 replaces ČSN EN 13616:2005Oprava 1-11.06Canceled (still harmonized) Overfill prevention devices for static tanks for liquid fuels - Part 1: Overfill prevention devices with closure device 12.08.2016 (ATEX) 11.07.2017 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13616:2004 Canceled is replaced EN 13616-1:2016 ČSN EN 13616:2005Oprava 1-11.06(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 13616-1:2016 Overfill prevention devices for static tanks for liquid petroleum fuels 01.05.2005 (CPR 1) 01.05.2005 (ATEX) 01.05.2006 (CPR 1) 01.05.2006 (ATEX) OJ-CPR 1 , OJ-ATEX 305/2011 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
AC:2006     01.06.2006 (CPR 1) 01.06.2006 (ATEX) 01.06.2006 (ATEX) 01.06.2006 (CPR 1) 01.06.2006 (ATEX) 01.06.2006 (ATEX)    
EN 13617-1:2021 Concurrent concurrent validity with EN 13617-1:2012 ČSN EN 13617-1 ed. 2:2022Změna Z1-3.22 replaces ČSN EN 13617-1:2013Canceled (still harmonized) Petrol filling stations - Part 1: Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units 02.08.2023 (MD) 10.03.2022 (ATEX) 02.02.2025 (MD) 03.09.2023 (ATEX) OJ-MD , OJ-ATEX 2006/42/ES 176/2008 Sb. 436/2008 Z.z. 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13617-2:2021 replaces EN 13617-2:2012Canceled ČSN EN 13617-2 ed. 2:2022Změna Z1-3.22 replaces ČSN EN 13617-2:2013Canceled Petrol filling stations - Part 2: Safety requirements for construction and performance of safe breaks for use on metering pumps and dispensers 10.03.2022 (ATEX) 03.09.2023 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
EN 13617-3:2021 replaces EN 13617-3:2012Canceled ČSN EN 13617-3 ed. 2:2022Změna Z1-3.22 replaces ČSN EN 13617-3:2013Canceled Petrol filling stations - Part 3: Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves 10.03.2022 (ATEX) 03.09.2023 (ATEX) OJ-ATEX 116/2016 Sb. 2014/34/EU 149/2016 Z.z.
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