3.1.18 zkušební stanoviště s kvazi-volným prostorem
(quasi free-space test site) zařízení pro měření emise šířené zářením, které je určené pro dosažení podmínky volného prostoru POZNÁMKA 1 k heslu Nežádoucí odrazy od okolí se udržují na minimální úrovni tak, aby se splnilo kritérium přijatelnosti stanoviště aplikovatelné pro uvažovaný postup měření emise šířené zářením.
3.1.18 null
minimum in signal level resulting from the vector sum of the direct and ground-reflected signals at the receive antenna and with the level being considerably lower than the in-phase sum of these signals Note 1 to entry: The depth of a null is measured from the in-phase sum of the direct and ground reflected signals. A null in the received signal occurs when the antennas are above a ground plane at heights such that the direct and ground reflected signals are in anti-phase, which can result in large uncertainty in the measurement of field strength. A null extends from 90° to 180° out of phase. At 90° the null depth is approximately 6 dB. The depth is compared to the nearest adjacent maximum signal in the swept frequency response (or height scan of one antenna at a fixed frequency). Note 2 to entry: The dip in signal level on boresight for some DRH antennas is sometimes referred to as a null. This definition does not apply to such dips. Note 3 to entry: IEC 60050-726:1982, 726-02-07 defines standing-wave minimum, with synonym node (of a standing wave), as the location in a propagation medium where the vectorial sum of a specified field quantity of two waves creating a standing wave is a minimum.