Information system Product regulation

Group 13.


Sector of: Construction products
Publications in the Official Journal:

2018/C/092/6 (hEN)
2018/C/370/5 (EAD) (16. 11. 2018)
(EU)2019/451 (hEN)
Corrigendum xx.yy (EU)2019/451 (10. 12. 2019)
with amendment:
(EU)2023/2461 (hEN 9. 11. 2023)
(EU)2022/2357 (hEN 2. 12. 2022)
/ consolidated text (EU)2019/451 with (EU)2023/2461
SUMMARY LIST hEN for information purposes only (9. 11. 2023)
(EU)2019/450 (EAD 20. 3. 2019) with amendment:
(EU)2024/1944 (EAD 11. 7. 2024)
(EU)2024/237 (EAD 17. 1. 2024)
(EU)2023/1473 (EAD 18. 7. 2023)
(EU)2023/910 (EAD 4. 5. 2023)
(EU)2023/424 (EAD 27. 2. 2023)
(EU)2022/1517 (EAD 12. 9. 2022),
(EU)2022/381 (EAD 7. 3. 2022)
(EU)2021/1789 (EAD 11. 10. 2021),
(EU)2021/1183 (EAD 19. 7. 2021)
(EU)2020/1574 (EAD 29. 10. 2020),
(EU)2020/962 (EAD 3. 7. 2020),
(EU)2019/896 (EAD 29. 5. 2019)
/ consolidated text (EU)2019/450 without amendment (EU)2024/237

Commission decision 1997/176/EC 1997/638/EC (EAD) 2000/447/EC (EAD) 1999/92/EC (EAD) 1999/455/EC (EAD
Mandates M/112_rev M/112 Změny mandátu: M/137
Dangerous substances : Regulations of the Czech Republic - Dangerous substances

SVHC: wood, metal, adhesives, plastics, coating and paint

Selection of potentialy dangerous substances for Group 13 (CPR):
arsenic and its compounds, benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), formaldehyde, phenols, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), biocides, flame retardarts, pentachlorphenol, benzene, CMR categories 1A and 1B, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals, cadmium and its compounds, chromium, mercury, copper, organotin compounds, tar oils, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, chrysene, fluoranthene, indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene, naphthalene, phenanthrenen; alkanes, C10-13, chloro; decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE), absence of asbestos (chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite and anthophyllite), coal tar distillates, creosote, creosote oils, anthracene oil, acenaphtylene fraction, naphthenic oils
Materials for group 13 (CPR): wood (glued, laminated), connectors for wood, steel, cast iron, wood, wood-based panels, OSB - oriented strand board, LVL - laminated veneer lumber, adhesive (phenoli/amino polycondensation / polyurethane, aminoplastic-based resins), dyestuffs
Emise Environmental emissions - VOC , Environmental emissions - Watter , Environmental emissions - Soil
Standard code ČSN Description Applicability date Co-existence period end date všechny subjekty (OS/NB) oznámené v NANDO k dané normě Assessments systems Groups (CPR)
EN 14080:2013 replaces EN 14080:2005Canceled ČSN EN 14080:2013 replaces ČSN EN 14080:2005Canceled Timber structures - Glued laminated timber and glued solid timber - Requirements 08.08.2014 (CPR 1) 08.08.2015 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 13
EN 14081-1:2005+A1:2011 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 14081-1:2016+A1:2019Non harmonized ČSN EN 14081-1+A1:2011Změna Z1-8.16(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 14081-1:2016Non harmonized ČSN EN 14081-1+A1:2020Non harmonized Timber structures - Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section - Part 1: General requirements 01.10.2011 (CPR 1) 31.12.2011 (CPR 1) OS/NB 2+ 13
EN 14229:2010 ČSN EN 14229:2011 Structural timber - Wood poles for overhead lines 01.09.2011 (CPR 1) 01.09.2012 (CPR 1) OS/NB 2+ 13
EN 14250:2010 ČSN EN 14250:2010 Timber structures - Product requirements for prefabricated structural members assembled with punched metal plate fasteners 01.11.2010 (CPR 1) 01.11.2010 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1, 2+ 13
EN 14374:2004 ČSN EN 14374:2005 Timber structures - Structural laminated veneer lumber - Requirements 01.09.2005 (CPR 1) 01.09.2006 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 13
EN 14545:2008 ČSN EN 14545:2009 Timber structures - Connectors - Requirements 01.08.2009 (CPR 1) 01.08.2010 (CPR 1) OS/NB 2+, 3 13
EN 15497:2014 ČSN EN 15497:2015 replaces ČSN EN 15497:2014Canceled Structural finger jointed solid timber - Performance requirements and minimum production requirements 10.10.2014 (CPR 1) 10.10.2015 (CPR 1) OS/NB 1 13
EN 14592:2008+A1:2012 Canceled (still harmonized) is replaced EN 14592:2022Non harmonized ČSN EN 14592+A1:2012 Změna Z1-7.22(Canceled (still harmonized)) is replaced ČSN EN 14592:2022Non harmonized Timber structures - Dowel-type fasteners - Requirements 01.03.2013 (CPR 1) 01.07.2013 (CPR 1) OS/NB 3 13
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