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ČSN EN ISO 9488 - Solární energie - Slovník

Stáhnout normu: ČSN EN ISO 9488 (Zobrazit podrobnosti)
Datum vydání/vložení: 2024-03-01
Třidící znak: 730300
Obor: Stavební fyzika - Teplo
  • 01.040.27 - Technika energie a přenosu tepla (názvosloví)
  • 27.160 - Technika sluneční energie
Stav: Platná
Terminologie normy
Nahlásit chybu

3.10.16 pojistný ventil (safety valve)

ventil omezující teplotu a/nebo tlak

3.10.16 safety valve

temperature and/or pressure limiting valve



[1] ISO 9060, Solar energy — Specification and classification of instruments for measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation

[2] ISO 9846, Solar energy — Calibration of a pyranometer using a pyrheliometer

[3] SOLAR ENGINEERING OF THERMAL PROCESSES, 2013. Duffie J. A. and Beckman W. A., Chapter 1, 4th ed., Wiley

[4] WMO, International Meteorological Vocabulary 1992. 2nd ed., World Meteorological Organization, Geneva

[5] WMO, Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation, 2018, 1

[6] Blanc P., Espinar B., Geuder N., Gueymard C., Meyer R., Pitz-Paal R., Reinhardt B., Renné D., Sengupta M., Wald L., Wilbert S., "Direct normal irradiance related definitions and applications: The circumsolar issue". Solar Energy. 2014, No. 110 (0):561-577. doi:

[7] Gueymard, C., A re-evaluation of the solar constant based on a 42-year total solar irradiance time series and a reconciliation of spaceborne observations. Solar Energy. 2018, 168, 2–9


α 3.4.1

γS 3.1.4

δ 3.1.3

ε 3.4.2

η 3.7.16

η0 3.7.17

θ 3.1.11

ϑe 3.7.11

ϑi 3.7.10

θz 3.1.6

ρ 3.4.3

τ 3.4.5

Φ 3.2.3

ω 3.1.8


Aa 3.7.6

AA 3.7.8

AA 3.7.9

absorber 3.7.1

absorber area 3.7.8

absorber area 3.7.9

absorber plate 3.7.2

absorptance 3.4.1

absorption factor 3.4.1

actinometer 3.3.5

active overheating protection 3.7.14

AG 3.7.7

air collector 3.6.7

air heating collector 3.6.7

albedo 3.4.4

altazimuth tracker 3.1.14

AM 3.4.7

ambient air 3.5.1

angle of incidence 3.1.11

aperture 3.7.5

aperture area 3.7.6

aphelion 3.1.1

assortment 3.9.8

assortment file 3.9.9

atmospheric absorption 3.4.10

atmospheric attenuation 3.4.8

atmospheric radiation 3.2.25

attenuation of solar radiation 3.4.8

auxiliary energy 3.9.4


backup energy 3.9.3

beam radiation 3.2.17

beam solar radiation 3.2.17

blow-off line 3.10.7


circulating system 3.8.6

circumsolar contribution 3.2.20

circumsolar irradiance 3.2.19

circumsolar radiation 3.2.18

clear sky index 3.2.34

clear sky irradiance 3.2.33

clearness index 3.2.36

close-coupled system 3.8.15

closed system 3.8.13

co-generating collector 3.6.2

collector array 3.6.5

collector cover 3.7.4

collector efficiency 3.7.16

collector loop 3.9.1

compound parabolic concentrator collector 3.6.15

concentrating collector 3.6.9

concentration ratio 3.7.19

control equipment 3.9.10

control equipment assortment 3.9.11

CPC collector 3.6.15

custom-built solar heating system 3.8.10


dead capacity 3.10.12

dead volume 3.10.12

differential thermostat 3.9.12

diffuse radiation 3.2.24

diffuse solar irradiance 3.2.31

diffuse solar radiation 3.2.24

diffusometer 3.3.8

direct radiation 3.2.17

direct solar irradiance 3.2.28

direct solar radiation 3.2.17

direct system 3.8.9

drainback system 3.8.17

draindown system 3.8.18


emittance 3.4.2

equatorial tracker 3.1.13

evacuated collector 3.6.18

evacuated tube collector 3.6.19

evacuated tubular collector 3.6.19

extra-terrestrial irradiance 3.2.35

extra-terrestrial solar radiation 3.2.26



f 3.9.6

factory-made solar heating system 3.8.11

fail-safe design 3.7.15

field-of-view angle 3.3.6

flat-plate collector 3.6.8

fluid inlet temperature 3.7.10

fluid outlet temperature 3.7.11

flux of radiation 3.2.3

forced-circulation system 3.8.7

fractional energy savings 3.9.5

Fresnel collector 3.6.16

fsav 3.9.5


G 3.2.5

Gb 3.2.28

Gc 3.2.33

Gd 3.2.31

Gh 3.2.30

Ghem 3.2.29

global irradiance 3.2.30

global radiation 3.2.23

global solar irradiance 3.2.30

global solar radiation 3.2.23

Go 3.2.35

gross collector area 3.7.7

Gsc 3.2.27


h 3.1.7

H 3.2.6

heat loss capacity rate 3.10.5

heat transfer capacity rate 3.10.4

heat transfer fluid 3.10.3

heliodon 3.1.16

hemispherical irradiance 3.2.29

hemispherical radiation 3.2.22

hemispherical solar irradiance 3.2.29

hemispherical solar radiation 3.2.22


IAM 3.7.18

ICS system 3.8.5

incidence angle 3.1.11

incidence angle modifier 3.7.18

incident radiant flux density 3.2.29

incident solar radiation intensity 3.2.29

infrared radiation 3.2.10

insolation 3.2.6

insolation 3.2.13

insolation 3.2.29

instantaneous insolation 3.2.29

integral collector-storage system 3.8.5

irradiance 3.2.5

irradiation 3.2.6

isohel 3.2.38

isorad 3.2.37


k 3.2.36

kc 3.2.34


light 3.2.9

line-focus collector 3.6.10

liquid collector 3.6.6

liquid heating collector 3.6.6

load 3.10.11

longwave radiation 3.2.12


M 3.2.7


non-imaging collector 3.6.14


open system 3.8.14

optical air mass 3.4.7

orientation 3.10.2

orientation angle 3.10.2

outgassing 3.10.13


panel 3.6.1

parabolic-dish collector 3.6.13

parabolic-trough collector 3.6.11

parasitic energy 3.9.4

peak collector efficiency 3.7.17

perihelion 3.1.2

photovoltaic thermal solar collector 3.6.3

point-focus collector 3.6.12

PVT collector 3.6.3

pyranometer 3.3.4

pyrgeometer 3.3.7

pyrheliometer 3.3.5

pyrradiometer 3.3.3


Qaux 3.9.4


radiance 3.2.4

radiant energy 3.2.2

radiant exitance 3.2.7

radiant flux 3.2.3

radiation 3.2.1

radiation flux 3.2.3

radiometer 3.3.2

receiver 3.7.3

reflectance 3.4.3

reflection factor 3.4.3

remote-storage system 3.8.16


safety line 3.10.14

safety line 3.10.15

safety valve 3.10.16

scattering 3.4.9

sealed system 3.8.13

selective surface 3.4.6

shortwave radiation 3.2.11

shortwave radiation 3.2.13

sky radiation 3.2.25

sky temperature 3.2.39

solar altitude angle 3.1.7

solar azimuth 3.1.4

solar azimuth angle 3.1.4

solar collector 3.6.1

solar combisystem 3.8.12

solar constant 3.2.27

solar contribution 3.9.7

solar declination 3.1.3

solar elevation angle 3.1.7

solar energy 3.2.14

solar flux 3.2.15

solar fraction 3.9.6

solar heating system 3.8.1

solar hour angle 3.1.8

solar noon 3.1.9

solar panel 3.6.1

solar preheat system 3.8.4

solar radiation 3.2.13

solar spectrum 3.2.16

solar thermal collector 3.6.1

solar thermal system 3.8.1

solar time 3.1.10

solar tracker 3.1.12

solar zenith angle 3.1.6

solar-only system 3.8.2

solar-plus-supplementary system 3.8.3

solarscope 3.1.17

spectral solar irradiance 3.2.32

stagnation 3.7.12

steady state 3.7.13

storage device capacity 3.10.6

stratifier 3.10.8

sun tracker 3.1.12

sun-path diagram 3.1.15

sunshape 3.2.21

supplementary energy 3.9.3

supplementary heat source 3.9.2

surface azimuth angle 3.10.2


tank capacity 3.10.6

thermal stratification 3.10.9

thermosiphon system 3.8.8

tilt angle 3.10.1

tracking collector 3.6.17

tracking error 3.7.21

tracking error 3.7.22

tracking mechanism 3.7.20

transmission factor 3.4.5

transmittance 3.4.5

tsol 3.1.10


ultraviolet radiation 3.2.8

Unglazed collector 3.6.4

unvented system 3.8.13


visible radiation 3.2.9


W 3.5.2

water draw-off rate 3.10.10

wind and infrared sensitive collector 3.6.4

wind speed 3.5.2

WISC 3.6.4

world radiometric reference 3.3.1

WRR 3.3.1


zenith 3.1.5

zero-loss collector efficiency 3.7.17

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