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ČSN ISO 24495-1 - Srozumitelný jazyk - Část 1: Řídicí zásady a směrnice

Stáhnout normu: ČSN ISO 24495-1 (Zobrazit podrobnosti)
Datum vydání/vložení: 2024-08-01
Třidící znak: 010508
Obor: Všeobecná terminologie
  • 01.140.10 - Písma a transliterace
Stav: Platná
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3.8 hodnocení

posuzování toho, jak snadno čtenáři (3.2) vyhledávají, chápou a používají informace

3.8 evaluation

assessment of how well readers (3.2) find, understand and use information


Governing principles

The four governing principles are as follows:

— Principle 1: Readers get what they need (relevant).

— Principle 2: Readers can easily find what they need (findable).

— Principle 3: Readers can easily understand what they find (understandable).

— Principle 4: Readers can easily use the information (usable).

These principles rest on the premise that a document will be usable if the information in it is relevant, findable and understandable (see Figure 1).


Figure 1 — Relationship of the four principles

From the perspective of authors, following the guidelines under the first three principles will make it likely that readers can use a document. But the only way to ensure that is to evaluate the document continually by applying the guidelines of Principle 4. As a result, this document does not describe a sequential process, because the four principles are interdependent and influence each other. Applying them all together is crucial for developing plain language documents.

Annex A provides a visual overview of the principles and guidelines. Annex B provides a checklist to help authors apply this document.


Guidelines for Principle 1: Readers get what they need (relevant)


This principle focuses on what authors should do before they start drafting. Understanding the readers of a document and their needs is essential to creating a document in plain language. Authors should select the document type and content that fits their readers’ needs, purpose and context.

Identify the readers

Authors should identify who their readers are and consider the readers’ characteristics, including their literacy and language skills, cultural backgrounds and subject-matter knowledge.

Characteristics also include readers’ accessibility needs and preferences, as well as the languages that they understand. Authors should provide the document in a language that their readers know. That can mean complying with official language requirements and translating the document into other languages.

To identify the readers and their characteristics, authors can use the following methods:

a) Review knowledge gained from previous communications with readers.

b) Interview readers.

c) Conduct reader surveys.

d) Review research and relevant literature on readers.

Identify the readers’ purpose

Authors should identify why readers will read the document. For example, readers can be doing any of the following:

a) following instructions to complete a task;

b) deciding to do or not to do something;

c) trying to understand a topic;

d) finding out what the author wants them to do;

e) learning about an area of interest;

f) gaining the required knowledge for a specific purpose, such as getting a driver’s licence.

Identify the context in which readers will read the document

Authors should consider the following:

a) where readers will read the document;

b) what technology they will use to read it;

c) how much time they will have;

d) how long will they stay focused;

e) how interested they will be in the document;

f) what their emotional state will be when they read it.

The answers to these questions can be affected by the document type (see 5.1.5).

Select the document type or types

Authors should select the document type or types that fit their readers’ characteristics (see 5.1.2), purpose (see 5.1.3) and context (see 5.1.4). If it better serves the readers’ purpose, authors can also decide to use an alternative to a document, such as a video.

Select content that readers need

Authors should always keep readers’ needs in mind when selecting content, even when the authors’ own needs dictate that certain information be included.

Authors should do the following:

a) Put readers’ needs first.

b) Identify questions that readers need answered (see 5.1.2 and 5.1.3).

c) Select content that fits the readers’ characteristics (see 5.1.2), purpose (see 5.1.3) and context (see 5.1.4), as well as the document type (see 5.1.5).

d) Leave out content that readers do not need (see 5.2.5 for guidance on required supplementary information).

e) Consider the authors’ purposes and needs.

f) Select content ethically:

1) Select accurate content.

2) Do not include false or misleading content.

3) Do not hide or leave out content that readers need to know.

Guidelines for Principle 2: Readers can easily find what they need (findable)


Readers should be able to quickly determine what the document is about and whether it serves their purpose. Good structure and design help readers to easily find the information they need. Headings are one of many techniques to help readers predict what comes next and are especially helpful in documents longer than a few paragraphs.

Structure the document for readers

Authors should group related information together and order it in a way that makes sense for their readers. When deciding on order, authors should consider these guidelines:

a) Place the most important message where readers can easily find it, commonly at the beginning.

b) Introduce new information by building on information readers already know.

c) For instructions or processes, present information in chronological order.

d) Place information that most readers need before information that only some readers need.

e) If failing to follow a process can lead to damage or harm, place warnings about what not to do before instructions about what to do.

Use information design techniques that enable readers to find information

Inclusive information design techniques make it easy for readers to find what they need. Authors should use the following techniques:

a) Visually show the following relations between elements:

1) Make important elements more prominent (prominence), by using a larger font, bold type or other methods.

2) Place elements that belong together close to each other (proximity).

3) Make elements with the same function look similar (similarity).

4) Clearly signal the reading order of the elements (sequence).

b) Consider using images and multimedia to attract readers to a specific topic.

c) Use headings to help readers scan the document and understand its structure (see 5.2.4). If necessary, use multiple levels of headings.

d) Make the hierarchy visual, using techniques such as consistently formatted headings and indentation.

e) Use bulleted and numbered lists to help readers find information they can otherwise miss.

f) Use typography such as fonts, font size, line spacing and contrast that make the physical act of reading easier.

g) Add a table of contents when it helps readers understand the document’s structure or find specific information.

h) Add an index when it helps readers find specific information.

i) If there are multiple audiences, clearly identify what information is addressed to each audience.

Use headings to help readers predict what comes next

Headings are one of the most useful techniques to help readers find the information they need. When using headings, authors should follow these guidelines:

a) Use a new heading when introducing a new topic.

b) Ensure that each heading accurately describes the information that follows.

c) Use consistent headings.

d) Keep headings short enough so that they are easy to scan.

e) Use enough headings to help readers find information but no more.

Keep supplementary information separate

Sometimes authors can be required to include information that is not important to most readers, such as the legal basis of a policy. Other times authors want to include information that most readers consider less important, such as a list of sources or a detailed explanation. If authors need to include such supplementary information, they should use appendices, bibliographies or other formatting options to separate it [see also 5.2.2 d)].

Guidelines for Principle 3: Readers can easily understand what they find (understandable)


Individual elements of a document, such as wording and structure, should be easy to understand. These individual elements should work together so that readers comprehend the document as a cohesive whole.

Choose familiar words

Authors should use words that readers are familiar with:

a) Select words that make the text precise and unambiguous.

EXAMPLE 1 Telling readers to use a “hammer” instead of a “tool” if they need to drive in a nail.

b) Select words that prompt a mental image for readers.

EXAMPLE 2 Instead of just telling readers to be “kind”, making concrete suggestions such as “let someone go in front of you in line”.

c) Use specialized terms only in the following cases:

1) if readers understand and prefer them,

2) if readers need to learn them to achieve their goals (in which case, explain all specialized terms when they first appear).

d) Use abbreviations only when appropriate, such as:

1) when readers are more familiar with the abbreviated form, or

2) when the spelled-out version is excessively long.

e) Spell abbreviations out when they first appear, unless they are common and well understood.

f) When appropriate, use a shortened form rather than a long phrase, and always explain the shortened form when it first appears.

EXAMPLE 3 Using “the Council” instead of “the Council on Equal Opportunities”.

g) Be consistent: use the same words for the same meaning and use different words for different meanings.

h) Use culturally relevant language. Consider what words would be used by age, ethnic, religious or other groups in the audience.

Write clear sentences

To write clear sentences, authors should do the following:

a) Use a clear sentence structure:

1) Use sentence structures that are familiar to readers.

EXAMPLE 1 In English, readers often expect the subject-verb-object pattern.

2) Avoid sentence structures that can be interpreted in more than one way.

3) Avoid interrupting the main thought of the sentence with supplementary information.

EXAMPLE 2 By not interrupting a sentence with an exception: “Bamboo will bend, but rarely – except when it is damaged, rotten or infested with bugs – will it break.”

4) To help readers see the relationships between sentences, begin sentences with information familiar to readers or previously mentioned in the document and then introduce new information.

b) Address readers directly so they can better relate to the information.

EXAMPLE 3 In English, using the personal pronouns “you” and “your”.

NOTE This document does not use “you” and “your” because International Standards use an impersonal tone.

c) Help readers understand what is happening and who is doing what.

EXAMPLE 4 In English, using the active voice whenever possible, unless there is a specific reason to use the passive.

d) Use grammar, spelling and punctuation that readers accept as appropriate.

e) Follow any official or national language standards, unless these standards fail to meet the readers’ needs in the specific case.

Write concise sentences

To write concise sentences, authors should do the following:

a) Include only one idea in each sentence.

b) Leave out redundant words, vague modifiers, clichés and other constructions that add little meaning but cost readers time and attention.

c) Keep sentences reasonably short but vary sentence length to give the document a good rhythm.

Write clear and concise paragraphs

To make paragraphs clear and concise, authors should do the following:

a) Limit paragraphs to one topic.

b) State the topic near the beginning of the paragraph.

c) Make connections among and within paragraphs clear [see also 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 a)].

Consider including images and multimedia

Authors should consider presenting information in ways other than text. Images and multimedia can capture readers’ attention and make information easier to process.

To integrate images and multimedia with text, authors should do the following:

a) Ensure that images and multimedia support the text, and avoid images that serve only as decoration.

b) Make images and multimedia as simple as possible.

c) Place images and multimedia close to the text that they refer to and label them clearly.

d) Provide white space around images and multimedia, making them easy to notice.

Project a respectful tone

If readers interpret a document’s tone as respectful of their needs and situation, they are more likely to read it and do as the authors intend. While authors cannot be sure how their readers will interpret tone without involving them (see 5.4.3), authors should always consider how particular document elements can signal tone.

Word choice is an especially important element. Authors should use language that is inclusive and non-discriminatory. Tone is also signalled by other elements, including:

a) the document’s structure;

b) information design;

c) images;

d) personal pronouns;

e) sentence patterns.

Ensure that the document is cohesive

All the elements discussed in 5.2 and 5.3 should work together to form a cohesive document. Even if readers understand the individual elements, their comprehension of the whole document will suffer if all these elements do not fit together. To make a document cohesive, authors should do the following:

a) Ensure that relationships among all words, sentences, paragraphs, sections, images and multimedia are clear.

b) Use consistent information design, including following relevant style guides.

c) Use a consistent tone.

Guidelines for Principle 4: Readers can easily use the information (usable)


If authors have followed the guidelines in 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, it is likely that their readers can use the document. But how can authors be certain? This principle focuses on evaluation so that authors can ensure that readers can use the document. Authors should evaluate each document throughout its life cycle, using evaluation methods that are appropriate for each stage.

Authors should evaluate the document:

a) continually, as it is developed (see 5.4.2);

b) further, by testing it with potential readers (see 5.4.3);

c) periodically, if it is used for a long time (see 5.4.4).

Evaluate the document continually as it is developed

A plain language document rarely has only one draft or is completed in a single work session. Authors should evaluate the document frequently as it is developed and change the document based on the results of the evaluation.

To evaluate the document as it is developed, authors should do the following:

a) Carefully review the document based on the understanding of readers (see 5.1.2), readers’ purpose (see 5.1.3) and the context (see 5.1.4).

b) Consider whether the document meets the principles and guidelines in this document.

NOTE To do this, authors can use the checklist in Annex B.

Evaluate the document further with readers

The only way to know how readers will react to the document is to involve them, even if only on a small scale. Evaluating with intended readers adds their perspective about the document. To decide whether to involve readers, authors should consider the following factors:

a) time and resources available;

b) complexity of the document;

c) the number of readers and their characteristics;

d) the seriousness of the consequences if readers cannot use the document (these can be consequences for the readers or for authors).

Involving readers can vary from simple interviews or asking for instant feedback online to extensive usability testing.

Continue to evaluate readers’ use of the document

If a document is used repeatedly or continuously, authors should periodically re-evaluate it to determine whether readers can still use it successfully. If they cannot use it successfully, authors should do one of the following:

a) If the document is still relevant, change it based on the evaluation.

b) If the document is no longer relevant, remove it from use.

As part of any continued evaluation, authors should measure outcomes if possible. Outcomes measurements are crucial to deciding if and how authors should change a document after initial use or publication. These measurements can include the number of readers who respond to a document or follow instructions correctly, customer satisfaction rates, sales figures or time spent on queries.

(informative) Overview of principles and guidelines


Figure A.1 — Overview of principles and guidelines

(informative)SEQ aaa \h SEQ table \r0\h SEQ figure \r0\h SEQ Equation_annex \r0\h Sample checklist

Authors can use the checklist given in Table B.1 as a reminder when developing a document.

Table B.1 — Sample checklist





Readers get what they need



Focus on reader and content

Identify the readers and their characteristics

—   Literacy and language skills

—   Cultural backgrounds

—   Subject-matter knowledge

—   Accessibility needs and preferences

—   Language that the readers know



Identify the readers’ purpose


Identify the context of reading

—   Where

—   What technology

—   Time available

—   Level of interest

—   Emotional state



Select the document type or types


Select content that readers need


Readers can easily find what they need



Focus on structure and design

Structure the document for readers

—   Position and grouping of important information

—   Signalling relationships

—   Meaningful order of information

—   Formatting for ease of reading

—   Images to support text

—   Lists

—   Table of contents or index




Use headings

—   Reflect structure and content

—   One heading for each topic




Keep supplementary information separate


Readers can easily understand what they find



Focus on language

Choose familiar words

—   Preferably concrete

—   Precise enough

—   Specialized terms if necessary and explained

—   Use abbreviations as appropriate

—   Use the same words for the same meaning

—   Culturally relevant



Write understandable sentences

—   Clear structure

—   Address readers directly

—   One sentence = one idea

—   No unnecessary words

—   Appropriate sentence length

—   Begin with familiar information




Write concise paragraphs

—   One paragraph = one topic

—   Clear connections among and within paragraphs



Include images or multimedia when appropriate and only if

—   they support the text

—   they clearly connect to the text



Project a respectful tone

—   Respectful language

—   Inclusive and non-discriminatory language



Ensure that the document is cohesive

—   Clear relationships among all elements

—   Consistent information design and tone



Readers can easily use the information



Focus on evaluation

Evaluate and change the document as it is developed

—   Review the document continually

—   Consider readers’ needs, purpose and context

—   Consider if it meets this document’s principles

—   Involve intended readers when possible




Re-evaluate periodically the document

—   Change or remove the document as needed

—   Measure outcomes




[1] ISO 8879:1986, Information processing — Text and office systems — Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

[2] EN 301 549, Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services

[3] International Plain Language Federation. ISO Plain Language Standard – Bibliography [online]. Available at:

[4] Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) [online]. Available at:

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