ČSN ISO 2041 - Vibrace, rázy a monitorování stavu – Slovník
Stáhnout normu: | ČSN ISO 2041 (Zobrazit podrobnosti) |
Datum vydání/vložení: | 2020-04-01 |
Zdroj: | https://www.iso.org/obp/ui#iso:std:iso:2041:ed-4:v1:en |
Třidící znak: | 011400 |
Obor: | Mechanika |
ICS: |
Stav: | Platná |
Nahlásit chybu
bandwidth of an ideal filter which has a flat response in its passband and transmits the same power as the specified filter when the two filters receive the same white-noise input signal Note 1 to entry: The effective bandwidth may be measured by dividing the mean-square response of the filter to white-noise excitation by the product of the excitation spectral density and the square of the maximum transmission.